How to Evaluate Multiple Hi-Fi Components

Comparing multiple pieces of hi-fi equipment can be made easy. A/B testing allows you to decide which sounds better, option A or option B. Both first-time hi-fi owners searching for their first system and hi-fi owners deciding on an upgrade for their system can benefit from this method.

The listening environment

A/B comparisons attempt to create an unbiased environment to compare two hi-fi components.

The two pieces of equipment are set up side-by-side for use with the same speakers and speaker cables. Listen to a short excerpt of music (10-30 seconds) on your first option and then switch to the second component, repeating the same passage of music.

If you compare a Naim Uniti Star and Uniti Nova, the hi-fi retailer should manually switch the speaker cables from the Star to the Nova after 10-30 seconds of listening. With the Uniti Star’s sound still at the front of your memory, you can compare it directly with the Uniti Nova with the same music.

A/B testing can be used for any component or hi-fi system in your home or at a hi-fi specialist’s listening room. You can compare in the same listening environment whether you will benefit from the upgrade power supply and choose between different preamplifiers.

Tune Dem Method

You should use the same method to evaluate both systems. We recommend the way discussed in our blog post ‘How to Judge a Hi-Fi System’, also known as ‘Tune Dem’, by Linn. Involving listening to the music and asking yourself a few questions:

  1. Can you hear all the musicians playing all of the instruments all of the time?

  2. Can you always follow the tune played by every instrument?

  3. How easy is it to sing-along/follow with the melody?


A/B testing combined with the Tune Dem provides a reproducible and accurate method of choosing the right hi-fi system or component for you. Listen to a short 10-second passage of music on two options, A or B and repeat until you decide which sounds better.

A hi-fi specialist should provide you with the opportunity to listen to decide on the hi-fi gear that will bring the most musical enjoyment into your home.

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Linn Tune Dem:

Thumbnail Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash


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